Build Chat GPT in Airtable with plugins (functions)

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This Gumroad downloads provides you with a starter Airtable base and Make scenarios to explore at test

The Airtable base is designed to be flexible and adaptable, so you can easily apply this system to your specific needs and workflows.


  • Airtable Base with a structure to replicate GPT Chat interface
  • Automation with JavaScript script to trigger Make scenario
  • Main Make scenario that operates function calling and chat features
  • 3 example Make blueprint scenarios


  • This scenario demonstrates some advanced use cases in Make and Airtable in combination with Open AI GPT functions - you might need advanced knowledge of Airtable, Open AI documentation and Make to modify it and apply to your use cases
  • You need to have access to gpt-4-0613 or gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 - more info here
  • We offer this product free of charge, as is, and unfortunately are not able to help with debugging on individual basis.
  • Shall you be interested to hire Business Automated for custom implementation or consulting do reach out to us via our website.
  • You need to register for an OpenAI API, Make and Airtable account to use this product.

Watch the video walk through here:

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Build Chat GPT in Airtable with plugins (functions)

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